Mary Queen of Scots (2018)

2 h 04 min2018

Mary Queen of Scots

Bow to No One


In 1561, Mary Stuart, widow of the King of France, returns to Scotland, reclaims her rightful throne and menaces the future of Queen Elizabeth I as ruler of England, because she has a legitimate claim to the English throne. Betrayals, rebellions, conspiracies and their own life choices imperil both Queens. They experience the bitter cost of power, until their tragic fate is finally fulfilled.

المخرج Josie Rourke
العنوان الاصليّ Mary Queen of Scots
البلد المنتج  United States of America United Kingdom
اللغات English, French, , Latin
تاريخ العرض 7 ديسمبر 2018
IMDb Id tt2328900
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