There Will Be Blood (2007)

2 h 38 min2007

There Will Be Blood

There Will Be Greed. There Will Be Vengeance.


When Daniel Plainview - a ruthless oil prospector - learns of oil-rich land in California that can be bought cheaply, he moves his operation there and begins manipulating and exploiting the local landowners into selling him their property. Using his young adopted son H.W. to project the image of a caring family man, Plainview gains the cooperation of almost all the locals with lofty promises to build schools and cultivate the land to make their community flourish. Over time, Plainview's gradual accumulation of wealth and power causes his true self to surface, and he begins to slowly alienate himself from everyone in his life.

المخرج Paul Thomas Anderson
العنوان الاصليّ There Will Be Blood
البلد المنتج  United States of America
اللغات English
تاريخ العرض 28 ديسمبر 2007
IMDb Id tt0469494
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